Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hope ur dinner was good followers,buddies,friends,gamers,tech ppl,Yankee's God fans nyy4l,Denver Broncos fans
(&*rm) =)

one more get the dust

yea one more tmobile phone is out for the count now number 3 now have to call tforce today and let them send my new phone as the gallery not working on lg optums t and new forcoseing on other apps as lg cant say why but a hardrive is going wow number 3 be here tomorrow after i make that click what no call =) one more bits the dust cant take the texting and selling going on i think blackberry would not make it in my hands =)


one order gets on the way to the buyer usps was open

karl t.
Owner of thundercatsnyy and thundercatsnyyare21

Open 24/7 365 days a year and we can get any video game, video system, or tech need you want. We welcome special orders. Orders shipped daily.
Reach us at  KLTIPPLE@GMAIL.COM or THUNDERCATSNYY@YAHOO.COM or text to 972-815-1702.
Good morning followers,buddies,friends,gamers,tech ppl,ny4l
(&*rm) =)