What the hell..this was find on internet
[ G i r l ] : Hey babe, can we get back together again? [ B o y ] : Sorry but my door is locked. [ G i r l ] : What door..? [ B o y ] : The door to my heart; it's locked. [ G i r l ] : Oh you silly boy. Luckily, i still got the key to the door to your heart. [ B o y ] : Nah, you see, when you left me for another guy, i changed the lock to the door. I'm sorry i forgot to told you bout that. [ G i r l ] : Wow, this is dumb. You know i left my ex for you. Cause i wanted you. [ B o y ] : Really? You left him? Funny cause i heard that he was the one who left you for another girl. How ironic. And you see, when i changed the lock to my door to my heart after you left me, something special happened. There came this beautiful, amazing girl who came into my life and she got the key to the door to my heart. So my heart officially belongs to her. And her heart too belongs to me. So please, leave me alone now and I'll promise to never speak of this situation ever again. Goodbye.
I pick GNY28
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God Saturday 4/21/2012
Acts 4:13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.