Sunday, April 22, 2012


You know you play too much Call of Duty when ... -You hit the deck and yell 'GRENADE!' When you hear something fall next to you. -You yell at your co-workers, ' Cover me, I'm reloading!' When you run out of staples. -You grab your boss's briefcase, open it for 5 seconds, throw it out of the window and say,' Bomb diffused, Good job team! ' -You see a airplane in the sky and yell ' Enemy AC130 Above! ' -You see someone get hit by a car and you say, 'Tango down'. -You see a soldier on TV with a M203 attached to his M16 and you turn of the TV 'cause he is a noob. -You run for cover whenever you hear a helicopter. -Your dog jumps on you and you instinctively snap it's neck. -You finish a magazine then yell, ' Changing mag! '.

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