Friday, May 11, 2012


Kickstarter pitch for Diamond Trust of London, the two-player, turn-based strategy game from Jason Rohrer.
We’ve followed this unique game and the troubles it’s had releasing to the market for a couple years now, but it looks like the game could finally be on the way out. But first you’ll need to help Rohrer hit his $78,715 Kickstarter goal in the next two weeks, so he can pay for a run of cartridges.
Find: Nintendo DS/3DS release dates, discounts, & more
See also: More Diamond Trust of London posts
I wanted to post this myself since I received an email from Jason last night about the Kickstarter campaign. He really deserves every bit of recognition for his work as one of the most respectable game developers of this generation. If every one of our followers pledged at least the minimum [$5], Jason would surpass his goal by double the amount he aims for.

This is a title that deserves to see store shelves for the Nintendo DS so let’s make it happen!

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