Thursday, August 23, 2012


An old farmer is sitting on his porch when a young man pulls up in a car and says, "Excuse me, sir. I notice you have milkweed growing in your field, may I get some milk?"
The old fellow chuckles to himself and says "You can't get milk from milkweed young man."
The young man says, "I think I can sir, if you'll let me try." The farmer says "Well you just go right ahead then."
An hour later the young man returns four gallons of milk and sets one on the porch. "Thank you sir, this ones for your kindness." gets in his car and leaves. The farmer is stunned. The next day the same young man pulls up and says, "I notice you have honeysuckle growing in the hedgerow, do you mind if I gather some honey?" The farmer says, "You don't get honey from honeysuckle son." The young man says, "I think I can sir, if you'll let me try." The farmer gives his consent and is amazed when the man comes back later with 4 quarts of honey and leaves one for the old farmer. The next day the same young man pulls up and says, "Excuse me sir, I notice you have some pussy-willows growing next to your pond" The farmer jumps up and says "Hold on son, let me get my hat."

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