Sunday, December 23, 2012

mom surgery sunday

Sunday, December 23, 2012
Sandi Sunday Update
Earlier this evening Sandi took her first shower since pre--hospital. Her five incisions and chest tube hole all look pretty good all things considered. No signs of infection or any issues different than what we had been warned we would see.

Sandi is still in considerable pain--especially with her right shoulder where they ran an IV line as well as a chest drainage tube. While she had an IV line in her right hand, during surgery they had to put in a second separate line through her right shoulder and into a major artery because of the complications that were happening. Among other things, apparently the chemo has left her blood vessels brittle so they tend to not work right when a needle is inserted into them for an IV. What will happen to them when she has chemo again, not to mention the radiation, is something that concerns me quite a bit.

While many years we would have loved to have a white Christmas this is one year we really would prefer it did not happen. Normally this sort of thing happens for New Years but apparently it is coming a week early this year. Current forecast seems to be for some sort of light accumulation of snow and ice starting some time on Christmas day and going into the evening. Considering the staircase we have that is always dangerous whenever it gets anything on it as well as the drive to the hospital the next day, we would really prefer that the snow and ice miss here.

On behalf of Sandi, myself, and the boys thank you for your thoughts and prayers expressed in public and in private. We most assuredly appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. It means a lot as we go through this nightmare yet again.


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