Sunday, December 4, 2016

rooffing gone wrong

This roof issue only applies to veterns exterior. They did not pay thier bill at the supply company. So in tern texas law allows them to lean your home. 
1st the amount is really a small claims matter. 
I went by anna police department gave all the info i had so far to them.
Possibilities are. Civil. Criminal. The option of the DA taking the case. They are going to look into it. 
Went to court house. They just take records filed. And because texas has such a neglecting law on books that does not protect the home owner she says our option is legal.
If thatsvthe route we have to go there is more strength in numbers.
I also spent half hour on phone with the supply guy seems we are from same county in nys. He has offered to help in anyway he can as i said its not his fault. Also told him if need be i would testify for him against veterns.

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