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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Life and people

TOP 10 MYSTERIES OF THE WORLD!!! Finally we're down to the Top 5.. so Without further ado.. #5 The Lost Cities: Let's start with a city everyone knows: 1) Atlantis: Arguebly the most mysterious of all the lost cities. The City of Atlantis was First written about by Plato in 360 B.C., this city is believed to have sunk into the sea. Not only did the city sink to the bottom of the ocean, this disaster is said to have happened in one day, decimating any evidence of the civilization that inhabited Atlantis. Plato told the story of Atlantis around 360 B.C. The founders of Atlantis, he said, were half god and half human. They created a utopian civilization and became a great naval power. Their home was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center. The lush islands contained gold, silver, and other precious metals and supported an abundance of rare, exotic wildlife. There was a great capital city on the central island. The legend of Atlantis is a story about a moral, spiritual people who lived in a highly advanced, utopian civilization.  They were so great that they had earned  the favor of the gods. When Poseidon Visited Atlantis he fell in love with an Athenian woman, whom he went on to have 9 children with. Among his Children was Atlas Who would later go on to carry the entire world on his shoulders. Poseidon divided the island in 9 parts and established the rules that the people of  Atlantis were to live by. After Poseidon left the island the Athenian rulers began to pursuit their own interest, they became focused on their own personal gain. The people  became greedy, petty, and "morally bankrupt, and the gods became angry because the people had lost their way. When Zeus saw what had happened to the rulers. Who had abandoned the laws of the gods and acted in an evil coalition as men. He assembled all the gods of Olympus around him and they pronounce judgment on Atlantis. As punishment, he says, the gods sent "one terrible night of fire and earthquakes" that caused Atlantis to sink into the sea. A violent earthquake shook the land, giant waves rolled over the shores, and the island sank into the sea, never to be seen again.  To this day many expeditions have been launched to find the lost city however noone actually knows were Atlantis is located, the most common suggestions are: The Mediterennean Sea, Off the coast of Spain, Near Cuba, and of course the island of Cyprus. 2) El Dorado: The Golden City, El Dorado was a city made purely of gold. Local people told tales of a rich king who plastered his body with gold dust and then dived into a sacred lake to wash it off. Afterward, he would toss gold into the lake as an offering to the gods. The Spanish called the king El Dorado—The Golden One—because his body was gilded, or covered, in gold. As the tale spread, the city he ruled came to be called El Dorado. Eventually, the meaning of the name changed to include any mythical region that contained great riches. An early version of the El Dorado legend placed the city near Lake Guatavita not too far from modern Bogotá, Colombia. Soon after the discovery of the New World, stories began circulating throughout Europe about the existence of a legendary city of gold in the Andes. Incredible riches awaited whoever was bold enough and lucky enough to find the fabled city called El Dorado. The search for El Dorado became a quest for many bored young conquistadors in search of glory and adventure. Most perished in the jungles or mountains without ever realizing that El Dorado was not a city, but a man. However, off the coast of  Lake Garavito some gold has been found, were te legendary city was said to be.. #3)Troy: The City of Troy was a great Military City located in present day Turkey, According to legend. During the time when gods were "petty and cruel," three of the leading goddesses had a contest to determine who was most beautiful. The prize was Eris' golden apple, an apple no less dangerous than the one in the story of Snow White despite its lack of consumable poison. To make the contest objective, the goddesses hired a human judge, Paris, son of the Eastern potentate, Priam of Troy. Since Paris was to be paid according to the largesse of the winner, the contest was really to see who provided the most attractive incentive. Aphrodite won and thus the the conflict began. For His judgement Paris was given  Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, by Aphrodite. Helen, the half-mortal daughter of Zeus, was already married to Menelaus, the brother of Agamemnon and the King of Sparta. After Helen left Sparta with Paris, Menelaus summoned an expedition to go to Troy to win her back. Included in this expedition was Achilles who, as a result of being dipped in the River Styx as a baby, was invulnerable except for his heel. And thus began The 10 year long Trojan War which was waged against the city of Troy. At the Conclusion of the war The City of Troy was destroyed The Acheans entered the city and killed the population A great massacre followed. And with the Destruction of its people Troy was left to burn to the ground. Although nobody knows exactly how much of the story of Troy is actually true Archeologists have discovered the ruins of the City in Turkey, Its a mystery to know exactly what happened to the City of Troy. Other Great lost cities include: > ~Tikal in Guatemala Guatemala: The City was the capital of the Mayan Empire until about 900 AD when it was mysteriously abandoned by The Mayan people. > ~Machu Picchu Peru: The City in the Sky is an abandoned city that lies on a peak of The Andes Mountain, It was occupied by the Incan empire until the year 1572 when it was abandoned as a result of the Conquistadors, To this day the city still lies on top of the mountain, it is so high up in the sky that if you are ever to go there you'll be able to touch the clouds. > ~Babylon: An Ancient city Located in Mesopotemia, The name Babylon literaly means "The Gate of God" it's ruins lie Iraq. The Ruins of the city have been dugged up, but much ofit was destroyed when Sadam Hussein decided to built his castle on top of the City's Ruins. > ~And of Course Who could Forget about Sparta? But everyone already knows to much about sparta though... Anywho I Bet you you guys can't come up with 300. votes. Get it 300. because of the Spartans.. no ok (._. ) 100 votes

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