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Friday, May 11, 2012
Still going
SUNDAY, MAY 06, 2012
Almost 29 Weeks---Karl and Kroger #581 Plano, Texas
Tuesday will mark 29 weeks since Karl went out on unpaid suspension from Kroger #581 here in Plano, Texas. The last couple of days he has been fielding new questions from various agency investigators because now the local yokels responsible for this mess are claiming that Karl could do nothing but bag and push carts. The same people who said they had no knowledge at all of Karl’s mental disabilities while signing paperwork claiming federal tax benefits for KROGER based on Karl’s employment as a mentally disabled employee now have the nerve to lie yet again and state Karl was/is so disabled all he could do was bag.
The above picture shows just some of the many badges Karl wore at work while performing numerous different jobs during the years he worked for Kroger. It has become clear that written proof, photographic evidence, and audio recordings of events are critically important in this case. Because Karl has so much of all of this, he can easily refute any lie they come up with and those responsible can’t even remember which lie they told which agency.
Remember, if you have an issue with any KROGER store nationwide, absolutely bypass the locals (especially in Collin and Dallas Counties here in Texas) and forward your written complaint to the Kroger Corporate address at:
The Kroger Co.
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100
This is the same address noted on your Kroger card where they encourage you, the customer, to make your concerns heard. When you do let them know what you think, make sure to put your complaint(s) in writing and keep a copy for your records. Putting it in writing is taken much more seriously by the big bosses than a phone call or e-mail. It also requires a written response and retention of the complaint in their system. That is important when federal agencies are reviewing things and considering sanctions and class action status litigation on behalf of customers/or employees.
I keep hoping somebody at corporate wakes up to the seriousness of the situation and corrects this mess before the case winds up very publicly in court. Their clock is rapidly running out…….
Kevin R. Tipple at 8:25 AM
Jason "Binx" Mogollon6:31 PM
I'm confused as to what the issue is. In plain English, please explain to me what's going on. Thanks!
Kevin R. Tipple7:36 PM
I have explained it multiple times in great detail, Jason. Go back to last November and work your way forward.
Almost 29 Weeks---Karl and Kroger #581 Plano, Texas
Tuesday will mark 29 weeks since Karl went out on unpaid suspension from Kroger #581 here in Plano, Texas. The last couple of days he has been fielding new questions from various agency investigators because now the local yokels responsible for this mess are claiming that Karl could do nothing but bag and push carts. The same people who said they had no knowledge at all of Karl’s mental disabilities while signing paperwork claiming federal tax benefits for KROGER based on Karl’s employment as a mentally disabled employee now have the nerve to lie yet again and state Karl was/is so disabled all he could do was bag.
The above picture shows just some of the many badges Karl wore at work while performing numerous different jobs during the years he worked for Kroger. It has become clear that written proof, photographic evidence, and audio recordings of events are critically important in this case. Because Karl has so much of all of this, he can easily refute any lie they come up with and those responsible can’t even remember which lie they told which agency.
Remember, if you have an issue with any KROGER store nationwide, absolutely bypass the locals (especially in Collin and Dallas Counties here in Texas) and forward your written complaint to the Kroger Corporate address at:
The Kroger Co.
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1100
This is the same address noted on your Kroger card where they encourage you, the customer, to make your concerns heard. When you do let them know what you think, make sure to put your complaint(s) in writing and keep a copy for your records. Putting it in writing is taken much more seriously by the big bosses than a phone call or e-mail. It also requires a written response and retention of the complaint in their system. That is important when federal agencies are reviewing things and considering sanctions and class action status litigation on behalf of customers/or employees.
I keep hoping somebody at corporate wakes up to the seriousness of the situation and corrects this mess before the case winds up very publicly in court. Their clock is rapidly running out…….
Kevin R. Tipple at 8:25 AM
Jason "Binx" Mogollon6:31 PM
I'm confused as to what the issue is. In plain English, please explain to me what's going on. Thanks!
Kevin R. Tipple7:36 PM
I have explained it multiple times in great detail, Jason. Go back to last November and work your way forward.
news 2
BioWare has revealed that people who’ve been playing Mass Effect 3 on the PlayStation 3 will be receiving reward packs from previous weekends.
So far, there have been fortnightly multiplayer promotions for people playing Mass Effect 3 on the Xbox 360 and PC. PS3 users have been excluded….
By: Colin Tan (@unartifex)
Ubisoft have released the premiere gameplay trailer for Assassin’s Creed III, the next highly anticipated title in the sci-fi historical fiction adventure.
It’s all kinds of epic as the trailer gives you a glimpse…
Hark! There remains but less than 48 hours to go for Seattle based indie company Camouflaj and its Kickstarter project Republique. It recently hit a major milestone of earning $350,000 out of a pledged goal of $500,000, with over 7,000 backers supporting the terrifying endeavor.
Republique is being developed by indie and mobile games developer Camouflaj, and spearheaded by former Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Halo producer Ryan Payton. It is a game designed specifically for mobile devices, featuring unique touch gameplay integrated into the story.
Here’s how the game goes: called by a desperate young woman….
After teasing us with photos on the YG-Life blog of mysterious girls under the title of “Who’s That Girl?”, YG Entertainment has just released another teaser in the form of a video this time! The video is also labeled the same way as the photos with the title, “Who’s That Girl???”
Although it is not yet clear who the girl in the video is or what the video is for, her dance skills are clearly shown through the 1:37 clip. What we do know is that she is 16 years old and judging by the fact that she is called “The 5th”, it seems…
And for the Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC forecast, there will be some Snow and Lightning on the same day. Alright excuse the pun but it’s true, the Snow and Lightning DLC scenarios (as well as the downloadable costumes) are going to be available on May 15.
The Snow scenario, titled “Arena of Eternity”, focuses on our dear Snow and his relationship with his bride-to-be Serah. In this episode, details regarding how he became a L’Cie again as well as the mysteries about the coliseum will be unveiled. During the second….
If there’s anything I know about Hollywood, it’s that movies that open north of $200 million get sequels. No questions asked. So very few were surprised when Walt Disney Company CEO and President Bob Iger confirmed that The Avengers 2 was happening.
When? Well, that’s still up in the air. Marvel Studios and Disney already have Iron Man 3, Thor 2 andCaptain America 2 in the pipeline. A second Avengers likely will follow that, perhaps in 2015.
There are two questions I’d like answered between now and then: Will Joss Whedon be back in the director’s chair; and which team members will be introduced into the Avengers fold in time for the sequel? Marvel wisely used standalone Iron Man and Thor films to pull Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) into the on-screen universe. Who’ll….
Where Glee Went Wrong
"Why are you reviewing Glee, IGN?!"
"This show stinks! Stop reviewing this crap."
"What?! You review Glee but not 30 Rock? What is wrong with you people?!"
"I hate you all. Except Fowler."
You may have noticed… We're not reviewing Glee anymore. If you want, you can go ahead and assume it's because of your constant complaints that the series was even being covered in the first place. It's true. We stopped because of you. You can stop reading now.
"This show stinks! Stop reviewing this crap."
"What?! You review Glee but not 30 Rock? What is wrong with you people?!"
"I hate you all. Except Fowler."
You may have noticed… We're not reviewing Glee anymore. If you want, you can go ahead and assume it's because of your constant complaints that the series was even being covered in the first place. It's true. We stopped because of you. You can stop reading now.
Blame Glee.
What's important to note is that reviews of Glee on IGN used to actually do very well. We didn't expect to review the show after the first episode or two, but surprise, surprise, the interest was there after all. It was clear many of you were watching the show… and liked it! And so did we.
Yet here's a series that rocketed to popularity and now wallows in the "Meh" category of weekly viewing. It was a one-of-a-kind choice in primetime: a series that successfully integrated song and dance into an hour of scripted television. Fame did it for six seasons, but that was more than 20 years ago. Glee was easy to love, at first. It was funny. It was dramatic. They sang songs we liked. And it was fresh and new. And then it became popular. Perhaps too popular. Album collections were produced at what seemed like a weekly pace. The cast went on a concert tour. That tour became a 3-D movie spectacular. A spin-off reality series gave contestants a chance to guest star on the series. Glee was everywhere! And we were on Glee overload.
Of course, this wouldn't have been a problem (or at least not a problem we couldn't have overcome) if the series at the heart of the hype remained strong and/or got better. But it didn't. What was once fresh and new became old and stale… and it's only three seasons in. So what happened? What has pushed the viewers away? How did the series go from appointment television to a months worth of unviewed listings on my DVR? Well, it turned out that Glee didn't really have a story to tell.
"Is this thing on?"
You either have characters that never change or grow (Rachel,Finn, Schuester) or characters that change week to week (Quinn, Santana, Sue Sylvester). It's hard to stick with a series when characters you're invested in never evolve. Season after season Rachel has been a selfish pain in the ass. And not in a fun, evil kind of way. Just a stupid, selfish character. And we've gotten no payoff. No comeuppance. No change of direction. She doesn't even change her pained facial expression when she sings.
It's also hard to stick with a series when characters you're invested in are a different person every week. In the past year or so, Quinn has covered being a chain-smoking punk, a vindictive birth mother, a born again Christian, a judgmental best friend, a future Harvard-attending goodie-goodie and a struggling paraplegic. She changes her personality nearly every episode, so that she can (awkwardly) fit into any conflict the writers want to put her into, even if it doesn't match what came before.
And the music hasn't helped anything. You could say the song choices are the problem, or the obvious theme episodes hinder creativity. But my biggest problem was the presentation. They were either on a stage or in the choir room. It was either a song battle or a heartfelt confession. And that's about it. And more often than not, the songs had only the vaguest tie to the story happening in that episode.
Simply put, Glee became a struggle to watch. The song performances became trying, the characters remained annoying, the repetitive plots kept repeating. The viewers left the series, the readers left the reviews and IGN stopped covering the episodes week to week. So, for some of you Glee haters out there, you're welcome. You got your wish. We're not reviewing Glee. And for the rest of you that watched the series at first, but have stopped keeping up with it week to week, well… you're probably not even reading this anyway.
gaming news xbox
Microsoft said that gamers shouldn’t expect to see its next gaming console anytime soon, but developers might already be getting their hands on the system. IGN has cited an ‘unspecified source’ with the news that the next Xbox hardware has entered manufacturing.
The report says that hardware for the next Xbox has been produced at the Austin, Texas, branch of electronics firmFlextronics. Flextronics was the first manufacturer of the original Xbox and one of three that Microsoft initially employed to work on the Xbox 360. The firm also reportedly created a testing group focused specifically on “comprehensive marketing, software, and hardware tests of the next Xbox.”
As for what exactly is being produced, IGN speculates Flextronics is producing dev kits so the next Xbox developers have hardware on which to create their games. Microsoft still has not responded to request for further information.
Price Cuts for Nintendo DSi and DSi XL
Nintendo has announced a price cut for its last generation of handhelds. Starting May 20, the DSi XL will sell for $129.99 and the DSi will go for $99.99.
Both systems come pre-loaded with Flipnote Studio, and the DSi XL also comes loaded with Photo Clock, Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters and Brain Age Express: Math.
Extend your Ghost Recon: Future Soldier experience from the streets of Moscow to the far reaches of the Arctic
Long live Street Fighter! EAT!25th Anniversary, by Jaime Herrera.
Persona 4: The Golden screens.These screenshots feature Rise Kujikawa’s new evolved Persona and the bug catching feature.Persona 4: The Golden will be released for the PS Vita in North America in fall , 2012.
soon out
Lifetime Sales Of Skylanders Toys Exceed 30 Million
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Needless to say, Activision is very pleased that Skylanders toys have sold so well, selling out at retailers and online across the entire country, sometimes within hours of launch. The company has gone on to say that well over 30 million of the toys have sold, and the game itself was the #1 kid’s game in Q1 2012.
Activision also stated that, including all accessory packs, toys, and games, that Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure was the 3rd best selling game in dollars across all platformers in Q1 2012. Skylanders Giants, scheduled to come out later this year, is hoped to achieve similar success.
pokemon Special Lvl 50 Darkrai Now Available Over Wi-Fi For Pokemon Black/White
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Darkrai will be available for free download until June 10th and starts off at level 50, so be sure to get it while you can!
The most unique (and precious) abilities this Darkrai has is Dark Void, which will attack and put the opponent to sleep so that Darkrai’s Ability, Bad Dreams, will do damage to it every round it is asleep. It also comes with Nightmare to further your sleep damage.
Kickstarter pitch for Diamond Trust of London, the two-player, turn-based strategy game from Jason Rohrer.We’ve followed this unique game and the troubles it’s had releasing to the market for a couple years now, but it looks like the game could finally be on the way out. But first you’ll need to help Rohrer hit his $78,715 Kickstarter goal in the next two weeks, so he can pay for a run of cartridges.Find: Nintendo DS/3DS release dates, discounts, & more See also: More Diamond Trust of London posts
I wanted to post this myself since I received an email from Jason last night about the Kickstarter campaign. He really deserves every bit of recognition for his work as one of the most respectable game developers of this generation. If every one of our followers pledged at least the minimum [$5], Jason would surpass his goal by double the amount he aims for.
This is a title that deserves to see store shelves for the Nintendo DS so let’s make it happen!
This is a title that deserves to see store shelves for the Nintendo DS so let’s make it happen!
Limited Edition Of Record Of Agarest War 2 Has Blow Up Doll, But It’s Not What You Might Think
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Last month, we reported that the Limited Edition of Record of Agarest War 2 would have a blow-up doll. Technically, this is true, but it’s not a life-size replica of a character. No, it looks more like a little balloon, as you can tell by the official marketing picture released by Aksys and Amazon.
In addition to the inflatable doll, the LE will arrive with a heart-shaped hand towel (I wonder what you’ll use that for…) and a special hard-cover art book titled “Heroic Trails from the Lands of Agarest”. The game comes to North American shores this summer with Playstation Move functionality in tact for your hot-tub massage minigames.
PAL Territories Get Two Limited Editions For Record Of Agarest War 2
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After the rumor and official confirmation of the Limited Edition of Record of Agarest War 2 in North America, PAL region published Ghostlight apparently took some sort of offense and announced not just one collector’s edition, but two you can pick from in the PAL territories.
The “standard” collector’s edition will cost £39.99 (~$65) and will contain the 48-page hardcover art book and A3 size poster. Pretty good deal at a pretty normal price, but there’s a unique limited edition that tops it.
The limited edition will contain the art book, poster, all six art cards, the soundtrack of the game, a baseball cap, and a large, blue messenger bag for £64.99 (~$105).
Record of Agarest War 2 comes out July 6 in the PAL region.
sorry to say i hate this game
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Microsoft have already reported that the 360 Arcade version of Minecraft has already sold more than any other Arcade game of all time in under 24 hours. Official numbers weren’t released, but an estimated 400,000 users have downloaded and are playing the game. The previous best-selling first-24 hour Arcade title was Trials Evolution.
Take A Look At Borderlands 2’s Gunzerker Class
IGN takes a 10 minute look at the Gunzerker class from Borderlands 2, complete with some gameplay.
Cloudberry Kingdom- The Hardest Platformer Ever Needs Your Help
Pwnee Studios, the development team of Cloudberry Kingdom, claiming to be the hardest platformer ever, has come out and started a Kickstarter fund after years of hard work on their title. They are about $5,000 into their intended $20,000 goal, which they will use to hire a new animator and artist to the team to finish the job.
Three years ago we set out on a quest to design the platformer to end all platformers. We started off by constructing an artificial intelligence capable of designing levels on demand, suitable for any difficulty level and built to any specification. The construction was an arduous task. We had to teach the AI everything we knew about level design: flow, spacing, rhythm, player expectation. Then we had to guarantee that everything the AI constructed was possible to beat and suitable for the right skill level….Unfortunately designing the AI was a long process, and now we are totally out of funds to make the game look pretty. Or to finish the cut-scenes for our campaign. Or to feed our programmer.But you can help! (Alright, you already knew that part, but seriously, you can help) With your help we can finish the most awesome platformer this world has ever seen. Alexander could stop crying, knowing that he would have an eternal challenge.What will we do with the funds, exactly, to make this insanity become reality?
- We’ll hire a full time artist to make the game shine in all its glory.
- We’ll find an animator to help polish the game and make some awesome cinematics. We promise the cinematics will be less ridiculous than our kickstarter video.
- If any money is left over we will probably upgrade our programmer’s diet regime from cat food to human food. Maybe.
If the project gets over funded then we will go really crazy. The AI gets more powerful the more obstacles we design for the game. Every time we add a new obstacle the AI quickly learns how to use it and then can immediately start designing levels with it, combining it with any of the other obstacles already in the game. The same is true for heroes. We can design new heroes, with totally new physics and controls, and the AI will figure out how to design levels specifically for that hero. This leads to an awesome combinatorial explosion of insane potential, and the more funding we get the more material we can give to the AI to make really unique levels and a truly awesome experience.
Be sure to help out the development team by making a pledge to their campaign. Any pledge will help. If you’re a fan of any platforming game that has come out since the 1980s, you’re sure to enjoy Cloudberry Kingdom. The game has no set release date, but is expected on the PC and Wii U.
The best thing I’ve read (so far) today is this article by Brian Phillips in which he, literally, says the most perfect things regarding the almost 5 year old relocation of the Sonics, who have since become my beloved Oklahoma City Thunder team.
We recognize that sports teams are mostly dumb corporations that don’t care about us, which is why our outrage at their corporate-like behavior tends to be inconsistently applied and limited to specific cases. (Otherwise we’d have to be angry all the time.) In a way, it’s weird to be just FURIOUS about the Zombie Sonics and totally at peace with the Zombie Lakers or the Zombie Dodgers or the Zombie Every Other Team That Abandoned Its Original Fan Base for Money. Yes, what happened to you, Seattleite, was somewhat worse, because of how it all went down, than what’s happened to millions of other fans, but it wasn’t a different kind of thing. Just a bigger fish from the same bad pond.What I’m saying here is, it’s disingenuous to live in the world of product and branding and @KingJames six days a week and then get mad about loyalty and community on Sundays. But it’s as if we need the occasional issue on which to vent our subliminal resentment toward the Nike model just to remind ourselves that there is a loyalty-and-community dimension here, even if it mostly exists in memory and fantasy. Because if there isn’t, then what the hell is a sports team?
please read this and share this
we need help aging for june 1 2012 rent and power bills alone with cancer bills as my mom bringing nothing in do to cancer which she works at walmart which she gets no payments and my dad can't work or move 99% of the day his got this link on his wall
we on food stamps but that only for food
im asking for the help for him as he doesn't like to talk about it this like is the spot for help if you can
please share this and tell others
thanks for the support all my people all over the world and god bless us and your family
thanks all internet god
karl t./internet god as we all know and thundercatsnyy look for karl tipple
we on food stamps but that only for food
im asking for the help for him as he doesn't like to talk about it this like is the spot for help if you can
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my mom cancer |
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my dad trying to lay on floor seen news with the sofa to help his leg |
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your internet god |
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how to go shopping and use food stamps at kroger after this it nothing for him to do this takes lots out of him |
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my bro going to college soon after getting two school offers paying for it i dont know yet |
internet god with his dad using me to hold on for pic |
please share this and tell others
thanks for the support all my people all over the world and god bless us and your family
thanks all internet god
karl t./internet god as we all know and thundercatsnyy look for karl tipple
food store,
Plano texas,
2525 thundercatsnyy,plano texas 75093
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