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Friday, April 6, 2012
Underage Sex Intro My name is Karmella, but most of my friends call me Mell. I'm 13, and people my age really shouldn't be having sex. Parents that think we are sent us to a boarding school. It's called Acadmie du Sexe, which is French. More or less, we believe it to be Sex Academy. Not that our parents know that. It's in France, obviously, but everyone who goes there is from America. There are probably 20 students that are from another country. I have curves that put a model to shame, and boobs that have their own names. Tori and Sheela. I'm just weird like that. I've heard that the people that go to this school have sex classes. Meaning we have sex in front of a teacher, and get graded on it. Sounds good to me. And if you're wondering, I am NOT a virgin. So, im riting this story as well as the other one. Likes for part one!!! Luv u!!!
part one story
Underage Sex Part 1 I walk into my dorm, smiling slightly. Each girl gets a guy as a roommate. I head to the stairs, and walk up 2 flights. I turn to the right, and walk down past 5 doors. I stop at room 113. I hear rustling inside. I turn the handle and walk in. The guy's back is to me, but his ass is in view, and damn it is firm. I walk to my bed, set down my luggage, and start unpacking. "Ahem," someone says. I turn around, and gasp. Standing in front of me is a male model. His skin is golden, his hair a dark brown, his eyes a soldering chocolate. "Yes?" I say a little out of breath. "My name is Aran. You must be Mell." He smiles, looking at my body. He seems to be about 14. "Hey. Where are you from?" He gestures to his side of the room. Pictures of the Giants and Colts are everywhere. "Oh. America. Me too. So..." "Would you like to get to know each other's body." Now this is what I came for. I nod. In less than a second we're stripping each other, and we're kissing. He starts fingering me, and my pussy gets wet. "Would you like to have my dick inside you?" he murmurs against my lips. I whimper, loving the way he just wants to be released. "I'll take that as a yes." Gud? Plz comment below. Luv u all!!! Likes for mor.
this was shared by a cancer person survey
PLEASE READ Cancer has gotten to all of us, whether we have it or not. I know that everyone knows, is friends with, is in love with, or is related to someone that has some type of cancer. My step-grandmother passed away on Thanksgiving of 2008 because of breast cancer. I remember waking up at 2:00AM to rush to the hospital and praying for her to be alright. It was the first time I have seen some in my family cry. I couldn't even bring myself to tears, but I know that deep inside, I was crying. I fell asleep in the waiting room at about 4:00AM and she babysat my little brother all the time and I heard my mom say, "He may get over the pain, but he will never forget.". And other people were telling her to wait until 6 to pass, so we didn't have to watch, and as she did, she passed away at 6:01AM. But that story brings me to this...My big brother's best friend was diagnosed with bone cancer last week and I got a call from my brother this morning to tell me he needed me to shave his head, so I asked why, and there he told me as I bursted into tears because his best friend was also my friend that helped me with homework, babysat me for a couple years, and just hung out with me because he wanted to. So I shaved my brother's head today, and I knew the whole time, that they are true friends. This is not a sob story, but please like if u know someone who has survived, or is living, or died from any kind of cancer.
joke night
How To Go Fishing Four married guys go fishing. After an hour, the following conversation took place. First guy: "You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out fishing this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I will paint every room in the house next weekend." Second guy: "That's nothing, I had to promise my wife that I will build her a new deck for the pool." Third guy: "Man, you both have it easy! I had to promise my wife that I will remodel the kitchen for her." They continue to fish when they realized that the fourth guy has not said a word. So they asked him. "You haven't said anything about what you had to do to be able to come fishing this weekend. What's the deal?" Fourth guy: "I just set my alarm for 5:30 am. When it went off, I shut off my alarm, gave the wife a nudge and said, 'Fishing or Blow job?' she said, 'Don't forget to Wear sun-block.'"
how it because a story
Sexy sweet sixteen (a lesbian story) Part 1 (sleep-over intro) It all started last week, i was watching TV when the doorbell rang. Chelsea and Mira were giggling when i opened the door. They had brought a bag of popcorn, 2 sleeping bags, a box of DVD's, pajamas, and a black bag which sounded a lot like a giant box of smarties. They came in and kicked their shoes off. I grabbed their sleeping bags so they had less to carry and hurried down to the basement. I heard then tromping down the stairs after me, and so didn't bother to turn around. We got to the bottom, and threw our stuff on the floor. We started rearranging the couches and loveseat so everyone would have a good view of the TV. It my birthday during the week and my parents allowed me to have a sleepover with my friends, and they promised to be out of the house all night. They also took my brother with them, so its an all girls partyb. I started looking through the DVD's and they raided our pantry. By the time they returned with a bag of chips and 3 cans of coke, i had selected a few movies that i wanted to see. I put in one of them, and then we all started talking an gossiping and giggling. Not really watching the movie. We continued this until we noticed how the time flew. It was dark outside, and the movie was just about over. We decided to get changed now so we wouldn't have to get up later when we were tired. I ran upstairs to my dresser and grabbed a pair boxers (they're like short shorts... But more comfortable) and a tank top. I stripped out of my clothes, peeling off my jeans, and shirt. I unclipped my bra, and slid it off, and then bent over and pulled off my panties. I felt my skin crawl and nipples harden from the nudity, and i quickly stepped into the boxers and threw on the top. I rushed back to the basement to find Mira looking directly into chelsea's eyes, and quickly pulled away when she realized i had seen her. She seemed to be blushing, but so was chelsea. Mira spoke first to break this silence, "your nipples are hard. Is it cold upstairs?" "uhm...not so much..." i replied tentatively Quickly they opened up their sleeping bags and crawled in. I got mine too but i noticed that it was damp, and gross so we as it seemed, two of us would be sharing. We didnt bother ourselves with it, we wouldnt actually go to sleep for a while, if at all. I got more coke, and opened the popcorn. Just as i was about to eat a handful, chelsea spoke up " how about a game of truth or dare? Just between us girls? Everthing goes..." I went pale. I didnt have the best experience with this game before. But not wanting to be a party-pooper, i agreed. Mira seemed delighted at the idea. "ok, Rachel," "yes?" "truth or dare?" "dare..." They looked at each other, and whispered so i heard nothing. "ok. Rachel, we dare you to...." Hey part :) i know its not dirty. Its a buildup for tonight. I want to get really dirty with it!
the start of it
Sexy sweet sixteen (a lesbian story) Intro- My slimy pussy juices were close to oozing out of my hole. Watching my two best friends make out and finger-fuck each other was more than i could handle, i pulled my panties to the side and dipped my fingers in my cum. It was warm, a d the feeling of the lubricant that i produced myself, was a dirty yet addictive feeling which made me want pleasure even more. I had no problem sliding my first finger into my hole, i ha masturbated before. But my second was a little trickier and 3 hurt too much to try. I stifled a moan and pulled my finger out and raised to to my mouth. I licked my fingertip, and then sucked my whole finger, pushing it down my throat. The unfamiliar gag reflex made me pull it out after i choked a bit, but i dint mind. I enjoyed the feeling of exposure and this sluttiness of it all. Hey my name is Rachel, i am about to turn 16, and i just came out of the closet to the world, and to myself. I have chestnut brown hair, to about an inch below shoulder length, small b-cup boobs (which i don't mind very much. I'm sporty and they don't get in the way) and icy-light blue eyes. I am about 5'5" and have happy complexion. If you want to find out all the dirty deets, follow me as i tell you day-to-day If this gets 5 likes, ill put a part one. Its my first story and i was inspired by some actual events, although some details were changed. If you follow, i may have a surprise for you!!
dirty story
Sexy sweet sixteen (a lesbian story)
Part 1 (out of the closet)
"Rachel, we dare you to send pictures of your tits to tyler"
The world collapsed on my shoulders. Tyler was a guy i liked back in grade 8. It seemed childish, yet every time i saw him, i still felt an attraction to him. I racked my brain for an excuse
"but i don't have his number anymore"
"we do!"
"and i don't like him like that anymore"
"its a dare, rachel"
"and you know how i feel about guys and boobs!"
"oh come on! You have nice perky boobs. Tyler will love them."
I tried one last time
"I'm not even sure i like guys anymore"
Dead silence. But it was the truth. Of late, i realized i wasn't crushing in guys at all.
"are you like homophobic? This wasn't the reaction i expected. "
"no rachel, neither of us are homophobic" replied Mira. " we are just surprised cause... Well, we dont like boys either..."
This game was about to get 10 times more fun...
Please like it if you want the next part tonight! Kisses!!
news two
Book Marks and Hats from @ladysandra7 --my wife--Finished Projects -- Kevin R. Tipple (@kevinrtipple)
Ny Yankees 0 Tampa Bay 4 Bottom 1st Bottom 1st Carlos Pena 2-out, Grand Slam (1) to right scored Desmond Jennings, Evan Longoria and Sean Rodriguez. Elliot Johnson due up
The First 48
2004 12 Episodes
Follow homicide detectives from cities around the country -- including Miami, Kansas City, Dallas and Memphis -- as they try to solve murders in the crucial first 48 hours before the crime scene goes cold in this riveting reality series. Season 1 cases include a mother shot execution-style at home in her affluent neighborhood, the brutal murder of a young ice rink worker, the discovery of the partially burned body of a prostitute and more.
Dion GrahamCaroline MasonTony MullinsJohn BuhrmasterFernando BoschEddie IbarraToney Armstrong
Streaming details
2005 6 Episodes
Racing the clock, homicide detectives know if they've made no progress in the first 48 hours, the chance of success diminishes significantly -- and this reality series follows cops from cities around the country as they try to crack fresh cases. Season 2 investigations include a man suspected of beating his best friend to death with a cinder block, the murder of a popular strip club owner, a turf war between rival heroin dealers and more.
Dion GrahamCaroline MasonTony MullinsJohn BuhrmasterFernando BoschEddie IbarraToney Armstrong
Streaming details
2006 5 Episodes
Memphis homicide detectives confront a suspect barricaded in his apartment who may have acted in self-defense, and in Dallas, the cops pursue a mentally unbalanced perp who is imminent danger in this season of A&E's hit reality series. The expert detectives race against the clock to crack the cases within "the first 48," which refers to the critical time period following a murder, after which the chances of solving it diminish dramatically.
Dion GrahamCaroline MasonTony MullinsJohn BuhrmasterFernando BoschEddie IbarraToney Armstrong
Streaming details
im on season 5 great tv show love cops show gets 4 out of 5 great tv washing
on netfilx by xbox 360 or ps3 or wii or laptop or other free or disk
Running into you part 1 A 1D story-- “oh shit!” a deep voice sounded from above me. “what in bloody fuck did you do?!” another voice said “is she dead?” yet another voice spoke. But this voice sounded Irish. “HARRY YOU FUCKING KILLED HER!” a fourth voice shouted. “no! no I didn’t! see! See she’s breathing!” the first voice said again. I forced my eyes open. It was all blurry but I could make out 5 figures standing around me. “hehe…shes pretty” I new voice came in. I blinked a couple of times but my eyesight was still fuzzy and my head throbbed. “WAIT! Shes awake!” the same Irish voice from before spoke. “are you okay?!” the deep voice asked and I could make out a blur of curls getting closer as the person kneeled besides me. “OF COURSE SHES NOT OKAY!” “ouch” was my smart reply before I blacked out again. --- I woke up in my bed which somehow seemed 10x’s comfier then I remember. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Wait… where am I? I didn’t recognize any of my surroundings. My hand touched my head where I felt pain and that’s when everything came back to me. Running into something…or someone and the 5 guys. I carefully stood up. I walked to the closed door that was in front of me. Turning the handle I cautiously walked out into the hallway. I found my way into the living where 5 boys were sitting on the couch watching… toy story 3...? Wait… why did these boys seem so familiar? “ello’ love” one of the boys said. “how’d you sleep?” he asked smiling. This caused all the boys to turn and look. I studied them with a puzzled expression. “are-are you… o-one direction?” I asked full of confusion. They all laughed and the curly haired one, Harry nodded his head. “where am I?” “at my house” he answered. Okay… “why…?”I asked again. “cause Harry’s an idiot and accidentally ran into and you got knocked out. We didn’t know where you lived so we brought you here” this time it was Liam who answered. “why not the hospital?” I asked. they all fell silent in thought. “that thought didn’t cross our minds love” Louis smiled. “of course it didn’t” I plainly replied “anybody have anything she could change into?” Zayn asked the rest of the guys as he examined my apparel. I looked down to see I was in my basketball shorts that were covered in dirt and my now brown but originally white singlet. Lovely. “I think everything would be to big on her…” Liam said. “okay! Every one in the car!” Louis shouted. “why?” I asked for me and the rest of the boys. “well we have to get you some cloths of course!” we all nodded, understandingly and started to go to the car. “ oh wait…” Harry called. I looked back to see him holding out his purple ‘jack Wills’ hoodie. “it’ll be a little big… but…” he said with a little smile. I smiled back at him. “thanks” I said slipping on the hoddie. We got into the car. Harry was driving with Louis in the passenger seat and Zayn and Liam on either side of me while Niall was in the back. Once every one was set we drove off.
new review up
Joke 3
Costumes - A black man and his wife were going to a Halloween party in a couple of days so the husband tells his wife to go to the store and get costumes for them to wear. When he comes home that night he goes into the bedroom and there laid out on the bed is a Superman costume. The husband yells at his wife, "What are you doing? Have you ever heard of a black Superman? Take this back and get me something else I can wear." The next day the wife, not too happy, returns the costume and gets a replacement. The husband comes home from work goes to the bedroom and there, laid out on the bed, is a Batman costume. He again yells at his poor wife, "What are you doing? Have you ever heard of a black Batman? Take this back and get me something I can wear to the costume party! The next morning his irate wife goes shopping. When the husband comes home again from work, there laid out on the bed are three items: one is a set of three white buttons, the second is a thick white belt, and the third item is a 2x4 The husband yells at the wife, "What the hell are these for?" The wife yells back, "Take your clothes off. You can put the three white buttons on the front of you and go as a domino. If you dont like that idea, you can put the white belt on and go as an Oreo. And if you dont like THAT idea, you can shove the 2 x 4 up your ass and go as a fudgesicle!" Thumbs up if you get it!! Thumbs up for joke!! Thumbs up for more! Comment!! Visit and follow my channel for more jokes!!! > Credit goes to my family and friends that tell me jokes.
lol two
GENIUS As a butcher is shooing a dog from his shop, he sees $10 and a note in his mouth, reading: "10 lamb chops, please." Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog's mouth, and quickly closes the shop. He follows the dog and watches him wait for a green light, look both ways, and trot across the road to a bus stop. The dog checks the timetable and sits on the bench. When a bus arrives, he walks around to the front and looks at the number, then boards the bus. The butcher follows, dumbstruck. As the bus travels out into the suburbs, the dog takes in the scenery. After awhile he stands on his back paws to push the "stop" button, then the butcher follows him off. The dog runs up to a house and drops his bag on the stoop. He goes back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -Whap!- against the door. He does this again and again. No answer. So he jumps on a wall, walks around the garden, beats his head against a window, jumps off, and waits at the front door. A big guy opens it and starts cursing and pummeling the dog. The butcher runs up screams at the guy: "What the hell are you doing? This dog's a genius!" The owner responds, "Genius? It's the second time this week he's forgotten his fucking key!"
I Wanna Play With Myself DVD

Category Girl-Girl, All Girl, Masturbation
Director TT Turkin
Starring Kristina Rose, Annie Cruz, Harmony, Naomi, Carmella Bing, Charlotte Stokely, Melanie Scott, Georgia Peach, Rachel Solari, Lola Banks
Featuring Kristina Rose!
I Love To Stick A Dildo Up My Cunt!
I Love To Touch Myself While You Watch Me!
I Rub My Clit Very Hard 'Til I Cum!
I Love To Masturbate While You Watch Me!
I Finger Fuck Myself & Cum Real Hard!
I Spread My Pink Lips & Stick My Fingers Inside My Pussy!
I Slowly Remove My Panties & Play With Myself!
I Get So Wet When I Poke My Pussy!
I Poke My Fuckholes With A Big Hard Dildo!
I Imagine My Lover Sucking My Pussy Lips While I Cum!
My Pink Pussy Can Get So Wet & Horny!
I Love To Stick A Dildo Up My Pussy
Bell sex,...? Have you tried? A fireman comes home from work and is all excited. He just can’t wait to tell his wife the good news about a new system that they have down at the station. "Honey!" he says, "you’re not going to believe this! Down at the station we have this new system and it’s so great." "When Bell #1 goes off we put on all our gear." "When Bell #2 goes off we slide down the pole and jump in the fire truck." "When Bell #3 goes off we speed to the fire in the fire truck." He excitedly tells his wife. Triumphantly he says, "We’re going to do the same thing for our sex life!" "When Bell #1 goes off we are going to strip naked." "When Bell #2 goes off we will jump into bed". "When Bell #3 goes off we will screw our brains out. Let’s give a test run. OK, ready?" "Bell #1!" (they strip naked) "Bell #2!" (they hop into bed) "Bell #3!" (they start screwing there brains out) A couple of minutes later the wife starts screaming "Oh, Bell #4! Bell #4!". The husband confused says,"Bell #4, What’s that?" The wife screams "More hose! More hose! Your not reaching the fire!"
The Black Sheep A professor is sent to darkest Africa to live with a primitive tribe. He spends years with them, teaching them reading, writing, math and science. One day the wife of the tribe’s chief gives birth to a white child. The tribe is shocked, and the chief pulls the professor aside and says, “Look here! You’re the only white man we’ve ever seen and this woman gives birth to a white child. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened!” The professor replied, “No, Chief. You’re mistaken. What you have here is a natural occurrence, what we in the civilized world call an albino! Look at that field over there. All of the sheep are white except for one black one. Nature does this on occasion.” The chief was silent for a moment, then said, “Tell you what. You don’t say anything more about that sheep and I won’t say anything more about that white child.”
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Set after the events in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, these animated entries in the Star Wars sagas follow the adventures of the Jedi knights, including Anakin Skywalker -- who draws ever closer to the dark side -- and his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. As the Jedis and Princess Padmé fight to preserve the Republic and defeat the Separatists, they face off with deadly foes such as Count Dooku and General Grievous
As the Separatists attack the Clones' planet, Obi-Wan and Anakin battle back, even while grappling with Anakin's increasing attraction to the dark side. Ahsoka aids Padmé in seeking a peace treaty, then tries to rescue a forlorn group of younglings. This disc includes episodes: "Clone Cadets," "ARC Troopers," "Supply Lines," "Sphere of Influence," "Corruption," " The Academy" and "Featurette: Creating Camino."
As the Separatists attack the Clones' planet, Obi-Wan and Anakin battle back, even while grappling with Anakin's increasing attraction to the dark side. Ahsoka aids Padmé in seeking a peace treaty, then tries to rescue a forlorn group of younglings. This disc includes episodes: "Assassin," "Evil Plans," "Hunt for Ziro," "Heroes on Both Sides." "Pursuit of Peace" and "Featurette: Hutts and the Underworld."
As the Separatists attack the Clones' planet, Obi-Wan and Anakin battle back, even while grappling with Anakin's increasing attraction to the dark side. Ahsoka aids Padmé in seeking a peace treaty, then tries to rescue a forlorn group of younglings. This disc includes episodes: "Nightsisters," "Monster," "Witches of the Mist," "Overlords," "Altar of Mortis," "Ghosts of Mortis," "Featurette: Witches and Monsters" and "Featurette: Secrets of Mortis."
As the Separatists attack the Clones' planet, Obi-Wan and Anakin battle back, even while grappling with Anakin's increasing attraction to the dark side. Ahsoka aids Padmé in seeking a peace treaty, then tries to rescue a forlorn group of younglings. This disc includes episodes: "The Citadel," "Counter Attack," "Citadel Rescue," "Padawans Lost," "Wookiee Hunt" and "Featurette: Chewbacca Returns."
As the Separatists attack the Clones' planet, Obi-Wan and Anakin battle back, even while grappling with Anakin's increasing attraction to the dark side. Ahsoka aids Padmé in seeking a peace treaty, then tries to rescue a forlorn group of younglings.
Dee Bradley Baker Tom Kane Matthew Wood Matt Lanter James Arnold Taylor Ashley Eckstein
its still funny and great hope to see a season 4 check it out great for kids and older kids
Cross (2011)
A man with superhuman powers and his hard-charging team of mercenary weapons experts fight to keep the city of Los Angeles safe in this comic book-style action romp featuring Tom Sizemore, Michael Clarke Duncan, Lori Heuring, Vinnie Jones, and Jake Busey. When Callan (Brian Austin Green was a young boy, his father bestowed him an ancient Celtic cross that gave him incredible powers. Adopting the persona of Cross, Callan uses his abilities to fight crime. When a rash of kidnappings befalls the city of L.A, Cross and his team discover than an immortal Viking has acquired a doomsday device, and race to stop him from wiping out the entire human race. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Theatrical Feature Running Time:
105 mins
Complete Cast of Cross
Brian Austin Green - Callan
Tom Sizemore - Detective Nitti
Vinnie Jones - Gunnar
Susie Abromeit - Sunshine
Jake Busey - Backfire
Michael Clarke Duncan - Erlik
Lori Heuring - Lucia
Patrick Durham
Jonathan Sachar, Tanner Wiley, Patrick Durham
Patrick Durham, Judy Durham, Jonathan Sachar
Theatrical MPAA Rating:
R(Profanity, Violence)
Action / Adventure, Drama
Warning: This product is intended for mature audiences only. It may contain violence, sexual content, drug abuse and/or strong language. You must be 17 or older to purchase it. By ordering this item you are certifying that you are at least 17 years of age.
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gets 4 out of 5 funny and good
This is so beautiful THE WOMAN POEM: Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man who's not a creep. One who's handsome, smart, and strong. One who loves to listen long. One who thinks before he speaks. One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's rich and self-employed, And when I spend, won't be annoyed. Pull out my chair and hold my hand. Massage my feet and help me stand. Oh, send a king to make me queen. A man who loves to cook and clean. I pray this man will love no other. And relish visits with my mother. THE MAN POEM: I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with big tits who owns a bar on a golf course, and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a damn.
Hall Pass (2011)
This buddy comedy from the Farrelly brothers stars Jason Sudeikis and Owen Wilson as a couple of married guys who persuade their wives to give them the ultimate "get out of jail free" card: a marriage "hall pass." The agreement gives them free reign to behave like bachelors -- free from the rules and confines of fidelity, responsibility, and married life -- for one week. But soon the guys find that the small town where everybody knows them -- and their wives -- isn't very conducive to chasing tail. And making matters worse, it turns out to be harder than they thought to accept the idea of their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) taking off for vacation on a hall pass of their own. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Theatrical Feature Running Time:
105 mins
Complete Cast of Hall Pass
Owen Wilson - Rick
Jenna Fischer - Maggie
Nicky Whelan - Leigh
Stephen Merchant - Gary
Bruce Thomas - Rick Coleman
Derek Waters - Brent
Rob Moran - Ed Long
Christa Campbell - Emma
Kristin Carey - Aunt Meg
Carly Craig - Nicotine Patch Girl
Landon T. Riddle - Ed's Son
J.B. Smoove - Flats
Andrew Wilson - Larry Bohac
Danny Murphy - Boshane
Mike Meldman - Mike Meldman
Dwight Evans - Maggie's Father
Gus G. Williams - Bouncer
Jamie Lee - Dry Clean Korean Lady
Robert Flaherty - Awards Dinner Bartender
Doris Morgado - Latino Woman #1
Thaddeus Rahming - Naked Guy #1
Jeff Norton - Lake Cop #1
Brian Mone - Honorable Judge William Mone
Craig X. Scott - Older Gunnar
Richard Melton - Burly Cop
Romy Wang - Woman Golfer #1
Soon Yup Han - Woman Golfer #3
Ezra Neo Dierking - Party Boy
Mike Cerrone - Driver Cop
Kristyl Dawn Tift - Gary's Wife
Patricia French - Officer #2
Stella Barrow - Stella Bass Band
Jikker Barrow - Stella Bass Band
Meredith Oliver Oglesby - Bar Patron Meredith
Lee Anne Freeman - Bar Patron Lee Anne
Igor Vovkovinskiy - Johnny's Hideaway Tall Stud
Kathy Griffin - Herself
Wen Yann Shih - Asian Woman
Juan Qian - Elderly Asian Woman
Jason Sudeikis - Fred
Christina Applegate - Grace
Richard Jenkins - Coakley
Larry Joe Campbell - Hog-Head
Tyler Hoechlin - Gerry
Alexandra Daddario - Paige
Lauren Bowles - Britney
Macsen Lintz - Gunnar
Joy Behar - Dr. Lucy
Kaliko Kauahi - Chief
Halli-Gray Beasley - Ed's Daughter
Vanessa Angel - Missy
Alyssa Milano - Mandy
Al Wisne - Clyde
Susan Sandberg - Doctor
Shannon Leade - 20-Something Woman
Gordon Danniels - Golf Ranger
Quynh Thi Le - Young Korean Woman
Matt Fairbairn - Harold Goldberg
Maria Duarte - Latino Woman #2
Rich Brown - Naked Guy #2
Terry Mullany - Lake Cop #2
Taylor Treadwell - Young Bride (Emma)
Kathryn Kim - Another Korean Woman
Edward Barbanell - Coach Eddie
Suki Frick - Woman Golfer #2
Christina Nardozzi - Girl in Restaurant
Bo Burnham - Bartender
Zen Gesner - Passenger Cop
Daniel Greene - Officer #1
Bob Weekes - Bar Manager
Willie Barrow - Stella Bass Band
Ron Brown - Stella Bass Band
Candice Ozechowski - Bar Patron Candi
Christina Avalos - Bar Patron Christina
Chloe Snyder - Stootfish Babe
Anna Byers - Backyard BBQ Friend
Tom Choi - Asian Husband
Jesse Farrelly - Witness on Roof
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Kevin Barnett, Pete Jones, Peter Farrelly
Bobby Farrelly, Charles B. Wessler, Bradley Thomas
Theatrical MPAA Rating:
R(Adult Humor, Profanity, Drug Content)
Warning: This product is intended for mature audiences only. It may contain violence, sexual content, drug abuse and/or strong language. You must be 17 or older to purchase it. By ordering this item you are certifying that you are at least 17 years of age.
gets 3 out of 5 good movie
Clash of the Titans: The Videogame (2010)
Clash of the Titans is an action-adventure game based on 2010 remake of the 1981 film, which follows the hero Perseus through epic confrontations with the gods and monsters of Greek mythology. The play of the game revolves around free-flowing combat, using supernatural weapons and fighting moves against powerful monsters and demigod villains. Himself an Olympian descendant, though living on Earth as a mortal man, Perseus embarks on a life-defining quest for truth and honor, as overarching themes of godly battle between Zeus and Hades manifest in unusual opportunities and setbacks throughout the plot. Each level offers different considerations to the adventure, as players gain powers and items to help them solve new puzzle-types and meet new combat challenges. Clash of the Titans for Xbox 360 can be played solo or with friends in a cooperative mode. ~ T.J. Deci, All Game Guide
Game Republic
Namco Bandai Games America, Inc.
ESRB Rating:
T (Blood and Gore, Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes)
Action & Adventure
not a buy gets 2 out of 5 not fun at all too
Filling out new requested EEOC paperwork-- -- Kevin R. Tipple (@kevinrtipple)
Check out the Yankees @ Rays on Yahoo! Sportacular