By Kimball Perry, The Cincinnati Enquirer
CAPTIONBy Glenn Hartong, The Cincinnati Enquirer
Former NFL linebacker Nate Webster was sent to prison for 12 years Wednesday for having sex with an underage girl.
Webster was convicted of four counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, charges that carried a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.
The jury convicted Webster of having sex with the girl in the fall of 2009, something Webster admitted to police on a taped statement played to the jury. After his arrest, though, Webster insisted he remembered incorrectly and said he began having sex with the girl in 2010, when she was 16, Ohio's age of consent.
Webster lasted nine seasons in league, playing for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Cincinnati Bengals and Denver Broncos from 2000-2009.
Much of the sexual activity between Webster and the girl took place in and around the Symmes Township neighborhood where both lived.
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